Welcome to visit Sunraycom Optical Communication Co.,Ltd!

Excellent Quality Optical Passive Products
About Sunraycom

Sunraycom Optical Communication, based in Shenzhen, crafts customized 
fiber optic solutions including connectors, adaptors, and attenuators. As an 
export-driven firm, we supply over 85% of our products globally and provide 
OEM services to a broad clientele.

Our commitment to quality is backed by an R&D team, artisanal skills, and 
cutting-edge technology, ensuring reliable and competitively priced items. We 
stock a wide range for fast delivery, often within three days for new orders.

  • Strong R&D Team
  • Skilled Workers
  • Advanced Equipment
Data Center Optical Interconnection Scheme
Fiber optic is no longer an optional technology or reserved only for the most challenging interconnect problems. The requirements for bandwidth, port density, and low power consumption now require fiber optics
Security monitoring
Fiber optic is no longer an optional technology or reserved only for the most challenging interconnect problems. The requirements for bandwidth, port density, and low power consumption now require fiber optics
Smart home category
Fiber optic is no longer an optional technology or reserved only for the most challenging interconnect problems. The requirements for bandwidth, port density, and low power consumption now require fiber optics
Latest News
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